We are proud of our analytical talents supporting product development initiatives funded by the Contraceptive Research and Development (CONRAD) Program and the University of Eastern Virginia Medical School, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (AIDS intervention drug development), Santen Pharmaceuticals (ophthalmic fluid development), BioTime, Inc. (hydroxyethylated starch (HES) based plasma expanders and stem cell culture media development for regenerative medicine), SAIC/NCI, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Rush University Presbyterian Medical Center (microbicides), the U.S. Geological Survey (humic acid characterization), InterMune Inc. (interferon characterization), Alpha Industries Inc., Elan Pharmaceuticals (anticancer drugs), Mentor Corporation, Glycogenesis (anticancer initiatives for pancreatic malignancies), Millipore Corporation, ALZO Corp., Ivex Novacel, Johnson & Johnson Inc. (transmucosal drug delivery systems, Anteis S. A. (implantable medical devices, dermal fillers), Merz Pharma, and many others.

See our Patents page for additional information.
Dermal Fillers Used in Aesthetic Medicine
Dermal fillers and viscoelastic injectables are used to smooth out and create volume in skin areas that become aged and wrinkled over time. They rely on a variety of substances such as collagen, hyaluronic acid and other materials both naturally-occurring, man-made, or derivatized from natural polymers. These products can be used to plump lips, smooth out wrinkles on the forehead or around the face. The manufacturing properties of injectable dermal fillers rely on uniquely controlled polymeric molecular weights, with/or without cross-linking agents, and with/or without mineral adjuncts or synthetic acid polymers to increase underlying tissue volumes associated with facial wrinkles or nasolabial folds.
CAT provides an analytical LC-MALLS resource for industry leaders who manufacture dermal fillers and strive to improve the functionality and uniformity of their injectable products. Properties of these injectable viscoelastic gel products offer analytical hurdles that challenge ordinary chromatography methods. Nonetheless, CAT has developed proprietary protocols that reproducibly characterize these medical devices and ensure consistent dermal filler manufacturing and performance.
Protective Ophthalmic Formulations
For first responders, military, and others exposed to smoke pollutants and irritant combustion gases containing cyanide (CN), sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), nitric oxide (NO), sulfides (S–), and others.
It is well-known that environmental pollutants and smoke constituents irritate the eye quite apart from diffusing into periocular fluids. These pollutant combustion products attack structural proteins of the eye, promote accelerated aging, and compromise the eye’s immune defenses. For firefighters and occupations routinely exposed to combustion products and irritants as well as those experiencing wildfire conflagrations, long-term low-level chronic toxicity effects promote eyesight problems upon normal aging in later years. CAT has identified a mechanism for deactivating most of these injurious agents while rendering them harmless to eye tissues. This action then allows chemical irritants to be rinsed harmlessly from the eye.
Intravenous Iron Nanoparticles for Iron Replacement (IRT) Therapies
Involving iron deficiencies due to chronic kidney disease, routine kidney dialysis, and certain cancers (U.S. Patents 6,537,820; 6,773,924; 6,929,954 and 7,687, 273). This initiative improves the analytical surveillance of nanoparticles in the interest of quality, uniformity, and safety. Additional IP aids the improved manufacturing of therapeutic iron nanoparticles for many other uses.
Unprecedented Trace Forensic Detection
and characterization of post-explosion byproducts and firearm discharges. The purpose of this program is to gather distribution data and map detonation evidence for certain known or unknown materials.
Renewable Energy Technologies
and new energy transfer concepts for solar and electrical energy sources.
Mycotoxins in Grains and Canine Seizures
Due to the challenges of storing corn and other grains, mycotoxin threats to grain quality are near all-time highs. Environmental conditions before and after grain storage are key factors affecting mycotoxin levels in grain stockpiles. Mold toxins like aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 plus other metabolites due to mold growth are common features of natural human foods including dried fruits (e.g., apricots, figs), peanuts and tree nuts, fermented sauces, dried herbage, spices, and other foodstuffs. Dried imported foods are roundly incriminated with evidence of mycotoxins. CAT has worked to routinely improve mycotoxin screening methods for human foods at risk for developing aflatoxins plus other mold metabolites.